For discussion purposes, this entry only covers grooming of physical appearance.
I have met many people in my life, I am sure we all do. There are those who are very good looking (guys and girls included), there are those who are moderate and of course, there are those who

Those who are good looking are usually blessed with captivating features and a figure to die for. The likes of Orlando Bloom or Angelina Jolie come to mind. And there are also those who are good looking because they know how to dress themselves. The right top to show your right curve can do wonders. Of course, there this thing called… plastic surgery.
What about those who are… not so good looking?
I am not trying to say I am a hunk but I have met some not so good looking people before. And to me, some of them fail to do themselves justice.
I was in a social gathering which took place in an up-class shopping complex some time ago. A “not so good looking guy” showed up and someone asked him why he “dressed so casually?” That was actually an understatement. And his reply was…
“I am ugly, makes no difference”
Messed up hair … oversize faded tops… pants that do not really fit him, think I saw some stains… sandals instead of a proper footwear… all in all, ‘ugliness’ radiates from him. It’s one of those people whom you won't have a second look and even if you do, you’re probably looking for things to criticise about him.

A girl once told me that hairstyle is important that is quite true. Unless one is bald, a quick visit to the hairstylist for a hairdo which suits you can do wonders too. Believe me; paying a little attention to these 2 elements can change your appearance quite a bit. Of course, there’s also this thing call ‘make up’ for the ladies.

P/S: Zewt would like to apologise if this post offended anyone.
yeah .. makeup & plastic surgery do help sometimes .. :P
yay! i am the first to comment.
no one is ugly. its just the how they dress and the way they carry themselves. whats on the inside shows on the outside. if a person is positive and confident about themselves, i guess it shows on the outfit they pick and how they look.
but honestly, i saw many whom others would call as beautiful, pretty, handsome but they don't radiate the aura associated with those terms. more so when they open their mouths.
oh well, dressing helps but to me character plays an equally important role...:)
As Rachel said people need to feel good about who they are on the inside. It shows on the outside too. Dress according to your body type and wear colors that suit your complexion. Walk tall with confidence. You're ready to go. :)
What good is a beautiful woman who's too full of herself or man that behaves like a ghowl?
ugly is not about appearance.
for someone spewing garbage from their stinking gutter... these are the ugliest lowlife scumbags esp those bn mp.
khairy 'monkey' jamaluddin, zainuddin 'goblok' maidin, pondan nazri, the racist najib & hishamuddin, bocor mp, tunnel mp and etc
I think that ugly should not just be limited to appearance. It is also how one carries oneself.
Imagine if one dresses handsomely but speaks vulgarly? Does that qualify good looking? By no means!
Of course, dressing and outlook is indeed important. But the most vital thing is one's attitude and speaking mannerisms. This - many fail.
Have marnie, ugly can turn pretty! :D
Character is more important to me, and it does play a part on how beautiful a person looks. An evil person, no matter how beautiful he or she looks, will make that person ugly.
I don't like girls who put on too much make-ups, as well as putting on make ups wherever she goes, like colleges, marketplace etc. Do those venues need you to dress like a queen? Gah! Well u take a look at those American celebs. They might look gorgeous and pretty in those make ups, but when they remove it, they are just an ordinary American girl with freckles.
And yes, do dress appropriately when going to such places. It's a respect to the place, the people you're meeting, and yourself. But don't overdress.
It's very subjective. Hair definitely plays a big role. But I think weight too. Hehe.
Everyone is beautiful. It's just whether they put effotr in it to make themselves look good. Weight needs to be maintain so more exercises and vegetables! Skin problem then go find dermatologist lor. Crazy hair, then need a good hairstylist to work some magic on you.
But i understand that sometimes, what other people thinks and comment about you will rob all of your confidence.
I enjoy the picture of that thing from the lord of the rings ... cute.
Cool photoshop skills Zewt.. boy looks like ur blog is really going strong, congrats & keep it up.. :)
Yes, make up helps to reimage or rebrand ourselves. But, I have also noticed some beautiful girls spoil their look by applying too much make up on them!
Zewt, I always believe that beauty comes from within. No matter what is the outlook of the person, if he or she has a great heart, that person is a beauty.
I remember many years ago I was being introduced to a guy. This fella is very 'yong-shui' aka. ugly and was darn rich and my friend told me that he has a hard time finding a gf.
When I started a conversation with him, rubbish came out from his mouth. He is really 'hou-chau' (smelly mouth). By this, i don't mean bad breath, but the way he talks, is as if the world belongs to him alone and he offends people.
Well, I told my friend that if he ever gets a gf, I am pretty sure that the girl likes his money, not him.
Because yong-shui + hou-chau = TRULY, DEEPLY, UGLY PERSON.
YESH!! hair's very important, now that mine has became grass, i feel like killing that stylist who did this to me T_T
ohh a great way to look better (in photos), PHOTOSHOP!! =P
actually i would like to go for plastic remove my luggages..ok!! 2bags n 2 luggages!
purple mushroom is right..inner beauty is more important, sure appearance will be what we see first, then only decide whether we want to know that person, but i've met quite a few not-so-good-looking people with great personality, and the way u look at him..really changes =D
in my opinion, appearance is sumhow the first ting u will see when u meet a new person. u cant deny tat u will judge a new person tat u had met juz by the first appearance of the person, rite? so i guess...if u dressed up nicely and put on make up(for the gals) prettily, u will tend to leave a good impression on the person who had juz meet u...
sumhow, dolling myself up isnt sumting im quite fond of doing. I just keep tings simple. as long as my clothes are neat, clean and I dun look like a hurricane juz landed on me, im fine the way I look. I tink la! lolz..
so yea, not-good-looking ppl can turn beautiful wif the help of right clothes, right make up, right hairstyle and right plastic surgery. however, as cliche as it may sound. it's better to dun really see the outer layer completely but noe the inner layer as well of the person. then if the person has the complete package then we can honourably said he/she is beautiful! yea? lolz..
Look at my profile pic! Don't u think I am very very 'handsome'!! No wander nobody pay me any attention when in KLCC wearing my torn t-shirt, short pant & slipper!
But ah zewt u r very handsome lah! Ur gf very very lucky wan. somemore u can cook! Have a nice day!
i totally agree with a lot of people isnt skin deep...if a persons got a heart of gold...itll radiate from u no matter how "not good looking" you are...
i suppose in this day and age, how we look matters. its not about wearing the branded stuff, but its more about having a neat and well kept appearance, and i think everybody can achieve that! plus, i do think its true that when we look good (or think that we do) we feel good and we are able to project that (hidden) confidence better, and thus be more approachable etc etc.
girls, don't you feel just that extra bounce in your step when you walk out that saloon with a new hairdo, or you're strutting your stuff in a pair of lovely killer heels? :P
hurm, no wonder after a haircut or a shopping spree, i feel a lil bit of handsomeness. hehe.
Pimples, scars and acnes can 'damage' even those who are naturally good looking... and I think, taking care of the face is the hardest bit, especially if one doesn't have a nice looking face to start off with, haha...
So direct... now you know I never attend those bloggers' meet lor?
i want to do PPP until I got enuff money to get BOtox.. :-P
well i think no matter how ugly the outer look is, there's still beauty on the inner side. and u'r right, if u think u'r quite ugly, just dont make urself uglier! haha!
I have scars all over my face & body dued to the accident (i'm sure u'r aware), that made me a DEM ugly person, but to my hubby, he always say i'm the most beautiful! I put on light make-ups at work & I usually dress-up well coz that's the way i'd like to carry myself, and these sometimes make me feel less ugly..haha!
got a damn good point..not all is lost..just learn how to dress up..makes u feel good as well..
zewt, considering how many ppl read ur blog, i hope ur msg is one of the importance of grooming (which is related to hygiene) rather than the emphasis on physical beauty, be they natural or artificially constructed.
Being presentable is more important. Irregardless of whether you think you're ugly or not.
When some people say "clothes make a person feel good", its true to a point. It makes one have a little more confidence and feel good about themselves. Being neat is important as that is part of personal grooming.
But I think inner beauty is more important.
Like purplemushroom, I had a colleague once who was pretty ok looking but once he opened his mouth, he spewed pure rubbish. It certainly made us think twice about hanging out with this guy.
I think the personality itself matters the most.. rather than the physical appearance.
maegen - hehe... only if u have the money.
rachel - ahhh... u missed it :) that's true... no one is ugly... but there are some which are not very plesant. i should mention i was only refering to physical appearance.
myop101 - i was only referring to physical look. should have mentioned it earlier.
rashikaps - yup... confidence is quite importan. it actually gives you half an inch taller.
anon @ 12.56am - hmm... suddenly linked to politics pulak :P
Jon Chu - should have mentioned that i was only referring to physical look. oh well, when inner beauty comes in, different story.
angel - damn true.
kyh - that's true... inner beauty is cool. but i am referring to physical look only. sigh, should have mentioned it earlier.
lynnx01 - ahhh... this is the right kinda comment for this entry. yeah.. shouldnt be too overweight ler.
littlepolaris - that's true... one just have to put in some effort, it can make a lil difference. as for comments from others, one has to have self confidence.
Kelly Mahoney - hey and welcome. thanks... :) not original though.
Russ - not original though... hehe... will certainly do.
puvanan - yeah, chinese said... ended up like monkey backsde.
purple mushroom - hahahahahaha... then i guess it's his attitude. anyway, i was refering only to physical looks. should have mentioned it earlier.
Huei - how much to do that actually... remove the eye bags. that's possible? anyway, purple mushroom is right, but i am ferring only to physical appearance for this entry. so... it's hairstyle!
missironic - yup... my sentiments exactly. one just have to put a lil effort in grooming oneself. can do wonders. at least one do themselves some justice.
hor ny - hahahaha... but you're different. you're the pokeing king... so very different.
anon @ 9.59am - but i was only referring to physical apperance for this post... :)
lingzie - yup... looks is very important now, in this day and age. we cant run away. as ppl are more conscious about oneself... many have to catch up. inner beauty sells, but u must capture someone with your outer beauty first.
alan zed - any girls asking for your number? hehe..
i think every living souls with good personalities are very good looking!
even for some who are not so 'blessed ' with society-deemed good looks, i think they are, in their own ways..just look at their sincere smiles..
The Pisces Man - so one must pay attention from the beginning. diet is important too.
Helen - hahahaha... hey, your reputation and character supersedes everything. in a good way ok...
sharlydia - you're one blessed person. your husband is every woman's dream.
constant craver joe - now... this is a cool comment hehe.
Jun - yup... grooming is the right word.
Angie Tan - hahaha... i guess 'cleaning' one's mouth is the next step towards good look eh?
tulipspeaks - true... but i was actually referring to grooming of physical appearance.
your topics are always of interest to everybody. ah well, bad dressing or good dressing is relative, so long one is comfortable. but of course, it doesnt hurt to be kemas..i mean, kan bagus kalau sedap mata memandang :P
I totally agree with your thesis. I am an ugly guy; not as ugly as that pic shown but still ugly.
I do believe that dressing and proper attire, combed clean and neat hair and behavior will diminish some of the ugliness. I tried... hopefully, I am not that ugly!
i agree! don't make yourself uglier! o_o im not beauty too, but i still try to wear things that don't look too shabby. everyone has to have some pride in the way they look, at the very least.
and true, makeup CAN do wonders, even for the guys too! (tho less election la ;) )
another thing, make sure you dress in suitable attire wherever you go. like if you wear short shorts to the pasar understandable-lah, but to the national registration office (happened to me before)? it's unpleasant for the other people there, doncha think?
basically, don't go overdressed or underdressed - both are just... distasteful. ;P
pamina - yup... pleasant to the eye... itulah yang penting.
Maverick SM - well, if you groom a lil, i am sure it's better.
Zaty - well, i guess one has to know when to dress and when not to dress up. know the occassion... that's important.
I always think that beauty is a whole package. How you think of yourself, specifically your level of self-confidence affects your image more than the physical features that you're born with. This applies to "hunks" and "beauties".
Case in point, imagine Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie, gorgeous aren't they? But the moment they opened their mouth and talk their slurry way to impress you like "Dumb and Dumber", oh what a turn-OFF right?!
And trying to get that 'right' hairstyle or dressing is tricky. That's the not-so-easy part. I think I appear pleasant enough, but I want to look HOT!
by the way, I really like Renee Zellweger because she has this look where her eyes are sexy and her voice a little husky.
hey, u know what....there is also this saying 'no women is ugly, just lazy'
hehehe....we should never think that we are ugly because in someone's eyes, we are forever beautiful/handosme!
yea..its like dun put salt to injury..kinda relate, eh? lolz..
A part of me want to say what matter most is on the inside, but how do we show that to others if they can't even get pass what's on the outside?
It is actually good manner to mind and do some maintenances on our appearances. At the very least, be clean, tidy and presentable. That is really not hard to do. As the saying goes, there's no ugly women, only the lazy ones. I say it should be applied to all, men or women.
The physical appearance is important, but I think the more important is the beauty from the inner.
lol..kinda true isnt it...i mean at least if one knoes tht one is bout 2 meet up wif ppl who dress up when they go outing,plez take d effort 2 at least wear sumthing decnt..coz it's actually kinda awkward 4 every1 when suddenly there's 1 person who is underdressed.even if tht person is drop dead gorgeous but s/he comes looking so casual whereas others in d grp dres up,it's kinda weird.unless tht person's ultimate aim is for public 2 notice him/her la...otherwise,dress up a lil wont kill...
"... if you think you're ugly... don't make yourself uglier."
agreed. i think everyone should make an attempt to make oneself presentable in respect to others.
zewt..i agree with u, 100%...
physically, u have to look at least presentable...if u are not pretty/handsome, u gotta do something about it...specially ladies..
almost 9 yrs working in the same place, i've met all kinds of ladies..
40+ who is single and thinks she's old, so no need to look so nice one will notice anyway...that's wrong attitude.
30+ married ladies who think, i'm married and got kids dy...alredy need to look nice lah...DDDEEEEHHHHHH....wrong attitude too...
20+ young girls who go to work smelling like they ran into some garbage make up at all, t-shirt looking like my doormat, don't comb hair..their reason, no cute guys in the office also...wear so nice for what??
come on...when we work with people, we should be professional looking and our image portrays our work to some extend...someone who's messy looking, boss also don't dare give her/him important assignments lah...also when we're in a place for work ,function, event, it only shows that we respect everyone else if we dress the part.
i'm not born pretty or sexy or hot...but i do take the time and effort to look the best that i can.
there are many people in the office who thinks i'm very vain..but i choose to be vain, to look good and feel good about myself. my choice, my life..
at least i'm confident :-)
i dun have to worry if my ketiak smells terrible, or my hair is like Alleycats...hahahaha...
dan-yel - yup... confidence does gives you a boost. haha... have u listened to cameron diaz? that's what i called a dumb blonde.
narrowband - so you like husky voice huh... hmmm... i wonder why... haha.
l y n n w e i - yup... dont be lazy... dress up... grooming :)
missironic - can relate indeed... hehe.
cc - yeah... good point. if you cant pass on the outside, very difficult to impress on the inside. and yes, it applies to men and women.
jam - which is why i said.. this post is about grooming only.
kyliemc - certainly wont kill... it helps lot in fact.. hehe.
siew - well said... this is the kinda comments that i am looking for :P
shopalicfern - hahaha... those 40+ and 30+ probably don care already. but those 20+ should really do something about themselves. well, i first thought that some ppl are too vain... now, i think otherwise. a presentable look is very important.
I agree with you. I a firm believer in that there's no ugly people but lazy ones. :)
hahaha... reminds me of myself, my gym instructor just commented yesterday that wen i'm at the gym i look plain but in photos i'm photogenic (of course most pics he saw were with the help of makeup but it's just a bit here and there to accentuate my best features... *LOL*...
u can't expect me to wear makeup to gym/work now can you? i mean some people do, but unless there's a special occasion or a night out, i'd rather keep it clean-faced... hahahaha... (i think u can see the difference in my facebook... :P )
so yes, as i believe u read the post of my friend who was a plain jane, and now with the correct look/sytle she's now a cabin crew rite?... goes to show that u're only ugly if u think u are... cheers mate
swei - oh yes... a lil effort to groom up oneself... can do wonders.
asstha - yup... i read that post.... from a plain jane to a model for some make up stuff or something? or was it hair products. well....i think most girls can be quite dressed up in the gym too. those who dares la...
they say 'there is no ugly woman, but lazy woman'. i suppose that applies to men as well.. looks are not important, but taking care of one's look is after all, basic respect for oneself.
big rice - right... basic respect... it can also do wonders. so let us all start respecting ourselves today.
*lol*... yea there are some who do.. altho i've tried once (cos i was attending a do earlier n hit d gym after)... after that i can't imagine how on earth they can tahan man... i was so worried half of the time that my eyeliner was gonna streak n make me look like frankenstein dat i cudn't enjoy my workout throughly... not worth it man...
P.S. was for makeup but jz made it to one of the top 40... not bad la considering it was a nationwide search... :P
asstha: er... when i say that, i mean when it's appropriate.. gym.. just chill out.. u're allowed to be ugly..
aSstHa - hahaha... imagine running on the traedmill and suddenly... the sweat made your eye liner smeared...
big rice - hahaha... seldom see ugly ppl in the gym though.
Really worthwhile data, much thanks for the post.
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