Having been to Singapore for only a week, the Malaysian connection is obviously still pretty much alive in me. I still log on to TheStar to read about Malaysian sports and keeping a close eye on MalaysiaToday and MalaysianInsider.
As always, I get to read about depressing news such as the father or the alleged jet engine thief claiming abuse… United Nations condemning Malaysia… MYR40m being spent on some electric train which has now been derailed, etc. All these on top information I read about Malaysia made available to me due to the industry I am in, which can also be quite depressing…
Ya’ know… stuff that makes you go… “Malaysia is just so damn fucked-up!”…
On the other hand; since arriving here, I have been greeted with pleasant experiences with cabbies… cars deliberately stopping for me to cross the street… impressive service being rendered when I went for physio in Singapore General Hospital (a govt hospital)… wife went to the wet market and came back with nothing but praises on friendliness and cleanliness…
All these gave me a glimpse of why most Malaysians who have left Malaysia, will end up not giving a damn on what is happening back “home”.
For now, I think I will still be very much connected with Malaysia. And I told myself to stay connected and not lose sight. But then again, it has only been a week.
What will happen 6 months down the road?... only time will tell…
1 year ago… He asked 5 times
2 years ago… Pelbagai lawak menuntut rebat
3 years ago… Those typo experiences… A Zimbabwean tale
As always, I get to read about depressing news such as the father or the alleged jet engine thief claiming abuse… United Nations condemning Malaysia… MYR40m being spent on some electric train which has now been derailed, etc. All these on top information I read about Malaysia made available to me due to the industry I am in, which can also be quite depressing…
Ya’ know… stuff that makes you go… “Malaysia is just so damn fucked-up!”…

All these gave me a glimpse of why most Malaysians who have left Malaysia, will end up not giving a damn on what is happening back “home”.
For now, I think I will still be very much connected with Malaysia. And I told myself to stay connected and not lose sight. But then again, it has only been a week.
What will happen 6 months down the road?... only time will tell…
1 year ago… He asked 5 times
2 years ago… Pelbagai lawak menuntut rebat
3 years ago… Those typo experiences… A Zimbabwean tale
Hi Zewt,
Good to know your surgery is successful and you are on your way to recovery.
I've been in sg for almost 2 yrs now, it's been great in terms of services. Wait till you live here longer and you'll hear more bout complains of the locals, and over things that we dont have in msia and we dont even complain as much as sporeans! It's ironic.
Love to hear more bout your two pence on living in singapore. Take k there.
Glad that things are great in SG. :) Been thinking of going there as well to work one day after so much feedback from friends. Most who returned to Msia, wanted to go back to SG because of the culture and working environment.
The experience of being out of the country once in a while makes me feel that Msia IS a depressing country.
najib got a new pussy ...younger !
Zewt, it's not like you've moved to Argentina. 30 min by cab and you can enjoy a nice little stroll around JB... of course, with security :P
Nice to know that you are mending and settling well in SG. Hope all goes on smoothly from here on for you and your wife. Keep us posted as always ya? Warm wishes for the rest of this week.
i pergi singapore hanya untuk tengok konsert, sedikit shopping dan gambling :P
even escalator pun jauh lebih laju berbanding msia.
Malaysia ada RTM.
stay put and start a football team there. not necessary the full works but a toned down version. maybe like 4 as in futsal.
after all, an energetic fler with a temporary out-of-action knee needs to divert his energy elsewhere.. :)
yeah only time could tell... just be patient and you could somehow realise what is the differences =p
i have to agree with ME that singaporeans complain about a lot of things no one else would find reason to complain about :)
you'll be fine. in fact, i suspect you'll even thrive in the challenging environment that s'pore captivates you with. heck, you'll be a PR before long!!
If your wife is to go to Sheng Shiong, she'll find M'sian produce on par with M'sian price or, usually cheaper.
China's vege? Crispy fresh - That's what I find compared to Giant's, Tasco's or Jusco's.
my access to TheStar has certainly dropped but every now and then i do have a peek in MalaysiaToday. hehehe...I think it's the "stupidity" that resulted this.
I still keep in touch with the going on's on The Star and MalaysiaKini online and naturally from my mates back "home". To be honest, I sometimes wonder whether the news is as bad as its reported to be! But then again, being a non-Bumi doesnt do me any favours and being treated as an "equal" (and all this even tho I am not a citizen!) .. ask me in a few yrs perhaps but at this time, I AM home.
Singapore is just across the ditch anyways so culture shock wise, I would think its minimal, plus - the SGD is far stronger! :)
Good luck with the recovery ..
Been away for 3 years and I stay away from the news because my blood pressure cannot take the unbelievably f*cked up things being done there. Just reading twits and FB statuses are about as much as I can take. :)
The thing I liked most abt SG is the safety. I could take the MRT from the city back to the suburbs(?) at 11pm without fear or worry. Pretty much the same here where I can walk about trouble-free (though I can't say the same about DXB). I've even seen the police give saman to an errant car parked on the kerb at 2am!
It's strange. To think of it, Msia & Spore are just a 5 minutes causeway away. Yet the difference can be so drastic. That's one thing I can never comprehend.
millino dollar question is, will you come back to vote? :-p
M.E. - precisely... singaporeans should live in malaysia for 2 years.... see what will happen.
Kimmy - well, it is :P
anon @ 21/6 1.03am - which one?
MKL - hahaha... JB is a cowboy town, me wanna stay away.
Anak Merdeka - thanks... will certainly keep everyone posted.
j or ji - yup... escalator pun lebih laju.
fufu - plenty... and they are mostly good.
sinlady - think it's human nature...
doc - hahaha... that i will have to think about.
Ummie - we go to tiong bharu... much better... :P
whoalse - no worries... you didnt miss anything i am sure.
Mirebella - well, if you know more "unpublished" news... you will realise that things are actually much worse than what is reported. it's already toned down... a lot.
kat - but then right, the place you are in... not exactly one for the long run right?
Blueberry - hello there and welcome. well, one is focused on diversifying... one on dividing... that's why.
me - of cos!
complain all you want about malaysia - being a malaysian working in singapore..yes it is efficient, safe, clean, etc..but its a city without soul...whereas KL has soul...you know what they said about Singapore? Asia for beginners...come to Malaysia for intermediate level.....celebrate being Asians for god's sake and stop comparing with the europeans, americans...and those wannabes
klee - so conclusion, so you like singapore compared to malaysia or vice versa?
This won't really have success, I consider like this.
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