Anyway… yes… I made it, and I am now in Singapore. Normally, people are given about 1 month MC for this surgery but I will have to report to work tomorrow. Well, it’s a new job, I don’t quite have a choice. The only saving grace is that my new boss is willing to let me to physio during office hour.
In 2005, I left the Malaysian shore to work in China. At that time, I knew I would return. My plan was to go for only 2 years, though it turned out to be much shorter.

I guess I will find out soon enough whether all those things people talk about Singaporeans are real or otherwise. And of course, I will have first hand experience of the dreaded Singapore working culture.
Surely, there will be plenty to blog about…
People from Singapore… hope to bump into you on the streets!
Hope to read more zewt-style posts about Singapore soon! :P
hey! welcome to singapore :)
I know what you mean, after numerous work posting around Asia, but with a base in KL - when I took up the job offer here, I figured, work visa - 4 yrs .. if it doesnt work out, I can always go back "home". Its now been 6+ yrs, and after 2 yrs, work offered to sponsor for my residency. Havent looked back since. Its a big leap of faith when you do decide to pack up and try out a new (ad)venture, but nothing lost, nothing gained eh?
Home is where my bags lay.
Good luck with the new changes.
If I may detract from the original topic.. your leg in the pic looks like a girl's leg!
No offense I hope but that was the first thing that came into my mind :P
Zewt, just stay in Singapore man. I came to Australia in 2003 for studies when I was 18. I applied for permanent residency in 2007 and was granted and this year I voluntarily applied for Australian citizenship (which was granted as well).
How do I feel after so many years in Australia?
I feel wanted.
Will I ever go back?
Most probably not.
Do I miss Malaysia?
I definitely miss the food, friends and family. The rest, depends.
OMG, now you really are in S'pore.
I dare not think how you move about. Anyway, most things over there are user-friendly oriented.
By the way, a number of S'pore MPs are from M'sia. So, feel @ home.
I heard the working culture in Singapore is far more better than in Msia according to a friend who worked there. Now, she really missed working in her previous company... Hmmm... Not sure whether it's really true but looking forward to read more from you. ;)
Will buzz you when I drop by Spore next time..And hope you enjoy every bit of yr *new chapter* there~ G'luck and best wishes bro~
Good luck working in S'pore... Your witty remarks about the happenings in Malaysia will be missed!
Enjoy ur life in S'pore..
1- hope you're well and recuperating well
2- take it easy with them legs
3- good luck on your new postings
4- have fun & have a blast over the causeway.
there... :)
I look forward to hearing about your experiences with it - I have never heard any stereotypes about Singapore.
nice legs. haha hope it can still kick football.
hi zewt!
welcome to singapore and speedy recovery to your legs!!
Oooo.... Zewty's sexy legs. LOL!! Now we can try to spot u by looking out for your legs. XD
Recover well!
Hey Zewt, hope you get well soon and warm welcome to Singapore!
Welcome! You'll realize a number of those stereotypes are true. :p
Get well soon!
Bro, next time don't post sexy leg pics, can't you see some guys were getting hot? :P
Anyway, wish you good luck in Xinjiapo. I stayed there once for 3 months, so it will be fun to read about your adventures. Maybe you'll see Malaysia from a different perspective :)
Oh my goodness! be careful with the knee job, you don't want to spoil the good surgery work. You are brave doing all of these major activities almost at once.
Good luck with your new life, job and recovery.
All the best to you and hope you have a speedy recovery!
All the best in the merlion city! Hope you get well soon and waiting for more posts from u! Well, now speaking of the spore culture.. ;)
Can u pls tell Spore govt not to be so efficient, can ask dem to slow down for our NEP brothers ah? hehehe
All da best....c u in Asia Times cover page in 10 yrs time ok!
All the best in S'pore and good luck with the new job. And here's hoping a fast recovery for you!
I can't wait to see what you have to write about Singapore!
Waiting anxiously. Hurry up! LOL
day-dreamer - coming soon!
sinlady - thanks...
Mirebella - hello there... no pain no gain... besides, maybe there is not much pain? :P
anon @ 13/6 6.56pm - haha... that's cos all my left leg muscles have gone wasted due to the surgery... my right leg is more manly...
Nutty - hey... i am jealous! haha! all the best in your new homeland. i am sure it's a wise choice.
Ummie - tell me about it... i am going to blog about singapore cabbies!
Kimmy - 3 days into the company and i think the culture is definitely better than malaysia.
Chloe Teah - thanks!
Terra Shield - who say i am going to stop? :P
MeRy - will certainly do...
bee - 5. thank you!
secret agent woman - well, so far, i only got good things to tell.
anon @ 14/6 9.40am - can, but i dont think i wanna do it again.
serenemai - thanks... catch ya around.
pinknpurplelizard - hahaha... i am supposed to build back the muscle so that it wont look like that.
anon @ 14/6 8.47pm - cheers...
imp - hahahaha... i wonder which one.
MKL - thanks...when you have to do it... you gotta do it.
ZACL - still have to go through rehab... that will spoil the surgery work perhaps... but recovery is more important.
Jennifer - thanks... i hope so too.
missironic - haha... i will still talk about malaysia.
InjusticeSistem - hahaha... Asia Times? 10 years? so long meh?
gracieq - thanks... recovery is indeed important.
STEEST - haha... sure to come.
tak dpt jumpa u on your last day...wish u all the best....hopefully bila u blk MY u jadi HOD...hehehe...masa tu "dia" dah retire.....
msc, level 17
msc L17 - hahahahaha... i tak boleh jalan sini sana... kaki sakit lah... haha :)
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