It is a case of April fools prank gone wrong today; you may want to reconsider playing prank again…
A colleague of mine was totally oblivious about today’s date. He is one who is always early at work and today, just as usual, while he was reading his regular stuff over the net early in morning, he received a sms from his girlfriend (who is working in the same building) that reads:
“Help! I am at the car-park and one of the guards is trying to molest me”
My hero colleague who had no idea that today is April Fools’ day rushed down to the car-park in an instant looking to rescue his damsel in distress only to find out that his girlfriend was laughing her ass off at him. He has been made an April Fool by his girlfriend, probably the very first in the office today.
But the story doesn’t end there because my colleague wasn’t satisfied that he was made an April Fool. Thinking that he will be the joke of the day during lunch, he thought of a wonderful prank to release upon his colleagues, which include yours truly.
At about 9.15am, when everyone was already in the office, he called another colleague of mine and said something like this…
“Shit man, I am in deep shit. My girlfriend sent a prank sms to me telling me she was getting molested by the guard in the car park. When I came down, I saw one of the guards and immediately punched him in the face. Now they are holding me up for assault!”
When this second colleague of mine heard this, he told me he was laughing at first because the first colleague was such a moron and landed himself in such situation. The first colleague obviously scolded him over the phone and asked the second colleague to come down. He also asked the second colleague to bring a lot of money down as he wanted to settle the ruckus with money.
When the second colleague put down the phone and while he was still laughing at what he just heard, our in-house building management manager walked past and knowing that the building management manager has good relationship with the building management, the second colleague told the building management manager about the incident. Of course, neither of them knew the whole thing was a hoax!!!
Now that the in-house building management manager heard of this, he then called the building management and asked about the fight which happened in the car park. Yes, from a prank to a misunderstanding and now… it’s a fight. Since this is a fight, guards (the real ones) were mobilised by the building maintenance to the car park and a few of us (yes, by this time, I have already been informed) together with the building management manager went to the car park to meet our good ‘ol colleague… who thought he has made a fool of the second colleague whom he called…
So there we were, the whole legion of people all heading down to the car park together with all the guards and building management and building management manager. Imagine the look on our first colleague’s face when he saw all of us come down and the building management were all there.
What began with a small prank turned out to be… well… quite a prank! But all of us together with the building management and guards didn’t beat the shit out of him because the biggest fool of the day is not him. How can he be the biggest fool when this first colleague of mine who got a prank from his girlfriend didn’t even exist?
A colleague of mine was totally oblivious about today’s date. He is one who is always early at work and today, just as usual, while he was reading his regular stuff over the net early in morning, he received a sms from his girlfriend (who is working in the same building) that reads:

My hero colleague who had no idea that today is April Fools’ day rushed down to the car-park in an instant looking to rescue his damsel in distress only to find out that his girlfriend was laughing her ass off at him. He has been made an April Fool by his girlfriend, probably the very first in the office today.
But the story doesn’t end there because my colleague wasn’t satisfied that he was made an April Fool. Thinking that he will be the joke of the day during lunch, he thought of a wonderful prank to release upon his colleagues, which include yours truly.
At about 9.15am, when everyone was already in the office, he called another colleague of mine and said something like this…
“Shit man, I am in deep shit. My girlfriend sent a prank sms to me telling me she was getting molested by the guard in the car park. When I came down, I saw one of the guards and immediately punched him in the face. Now they are holding me up for assault!”
When this second colleague of mine heard this, he told me he was laughing at first because the first colleague was such a moron and landed himself in such situation. The first colleague obviously scolded him over the phone and asked the second colleague to come down. He also asked the second colleague to bring a lot of money down as he wanted to settle the ruckus with money.

Now that the in-house building management manager heard of this, he then called the building management and asked about the fight which happened in the car park. Yes, from a prank to a misunderstanding and now… it’s a fight. Since this is a fight, guards (the real ones) were mobilised by the building maintenance to the car park and a few of us (yes, by this time, I have already been informed) together with the building management manager went to the car park to meet our good ‘ol colleague… who thought he has made a fool of the second colleague whom he called…
So there we were, the whole legion of people all heading down to the car park together with all the guards and building management and building management manager. Imagine the look on our first colleague’s face when he saw all of us come down and the building management were all there.
What began with a small prank turned out to be… well… quite a prank! But all of us together with the building management and guards didn’t beat the shit out of him because the biggest fool of the day is not him. How can he be the biggest fool when this first colleague of mine who got a prank from his girlfriend didn’t even exist?
hmmmm. i wonder how many ppl get this...
bastard!! lol!
Hahaha.......honestly, I got lost reading till the 3rd last paragraph. I thought this must be an April Fool's blog, making your reader read till the end the "April Fool!" ;)
errr... quite confusing but "this first colleague of mine who got a prank from his girlfriend didn’t even exist"? o.O
I don't quite get it... but my mental age is about 19 months right now... I blame my neice for reducing my maturity.. heh :)
ZEWT!!!!!!!! You pranked all of us! You're gonna pay for this! I almost thought that I'm going to see the day without being april-fooled, but by 11:59pm I reached your last sentence! AAAAHHHH! I was so close to a clean record!
I'd better think twice reading your blog next time!
too late. its over 12 now. by the way. i dont get what you mean there.... Guess the joke backfired to the one who wrote it.
Hey, thats what the use of diary is for. Losing one's memory is bad but you can always dig back the past if you want to. same way of other people digging our past. the problem with my complicated self is that i tend to use multiple password for the diary and log archives on my computer. over 80% are still locked till i can figure the password. Its caused by a permanent head damage(viral infection to the brain at one point)
ha! i read this at exactly 1:05am.
i read this at 1.10am. So it's no more april fool. See, you cant get me!!!
try harder next year bro.'s 1.52am on 2nd april. Hahaha! Suckers are not born everyday, Zewt. ;)
nice prank nice prank well done!!
wah!!! i thought it was real!! and i was so nervous for ur colleague! ahaha....
nice one!!! nice one!
wow..amazing how u can write to make ppl believe and in the end.... we all kena prank...
Uhh... I think you should use A for 1st colleague then B as second colleague then C as the girlfriend then... uh...
I got lost in the story, ahah!
Oh? Was that an April Fool joke? That's what I can understand from the earlier comments. Well, if it was...u didn't get me, zewt! I just read a bit at the beginning...and gave up! Yunno lah! Old people! Very short attention span! And anything more than two characters, I'd get all confused. LOL!!!
haha zewt...
you had me there since I am imagining a certain ex-colleague. of course, when it came to the part on the building mgmt thing, er... that's when the whole orientation i.e. office layout gets a bit contradictory.
oh well... it was a good laugh....:)
Alamak... potong stim la. I thought it was for real!
what the....?
still small ah?
is this a fool?? hahhaahh if it is..i fell for it alright!!! i thought ur colleague must be ready to faint when so many people approached him!!! wahahhahahah
my first reaction after reading the last line was..."HUH????" full of question marks...left me in already blur, now more blur...hahahaa..
wow..wat a JOKE! got all of us so into the april's fool story..but in the end..we are the fools of the april's fool day..n i read it today..2 APRIL 2008! hahahhaa...
Good one, i'll say! *thumbs up!*
huuh? im stil blur, ok going to go get a cup of coffee...
not many got ur joke if u ever intended it to be, didnt work out?
wtf...u made me one of those fools!
so this story didn't exist. no?
OK, the joke is on us, right?
Bad boy!
cilaka you zewt! :D i don't want to visit any blog on april fools day anymore :D especially yours!!
ps: many still blur blur lah zewt :P a prank/joke must be easy to understand. hahahahaha!!
Em.. this is confusing. Did u just trick all of us?
That was a weird joke! haha.. Took me a while to get it. IF i got it right.
Did I got it right?
i confuse liao...hahahah...
So everyone was tricked? And everyone had a meaningful April Fool's day?
april fool's practically doesn't exist in aus... until someone goes "oh do u know, it's april fool's today..." "oh yeah? oh well..." *continues with work*
well, at least you did not fall for the 'flying penguins' prank on the BBC. My friend fell REALLY HARD for that and she even made us watch it. Lol. And she's not the only one, some brits actually believed it!
Wow! A whole merry go round eh. Which guard got to become the scapegoat?? Hahhaha!!
blackjack - you're right, not many got it...
anon @ 1/4 10.56pm - :P
Lisan - hi there, welcome to AZAIG. yup.. something like that...
kyh - should have used a name sigh...
Theodwyn - 19 months? you? no way...
dan-yel - congrats dan, you're the first to get it! hehehehehe..
So the whole thing is just a prank???
As in, the post is a prank?
Kel - sorry to hear about your loss. i pray that you will recover... really...
huntressMoon - doesnt mean you're not a full fool? :P
ahjohn - but you believed it right? haha...
Cocka Doodle - as long as you believed in the story... :)
joshuaongys - hello! welcome to AZAIG. thanks :)
lynnwei - if only i tot of this yest... but then again,wouldnt be so real... :)
aleckii - yeah, my bad... wanted to change it but too lazy.
suituapui - aiyoo... how can... i was hoping to kenakan you kau kau :)
myop101 - well, i should have used names... hehe...
frostee - it is real ...if u want it to be :P
Sharon - come on... complete the sentence... :P
me - certainly 'smaller' than u...
huei - hahaha.. in the end... you're the fool eh?
missironic - as long as you all fall for it... doesnt matter if it's 1st or 2nd april... right?
sunshine - aiyoooo....
anon @ 2/4 11.07am - some did... and that's good enough :)
sharlydia - hahahaha... i will laugh at you when i see you!
_butt - pure fantasy... pure prank...
Helen - never said i am a good boy :)
bongkersz - heh heh heh... you terkena eh? that's why i post it up only at night...
princess shin - yes... you got it right... hehe... good prank eh?
constant craver joe - hahha... read again lor.
giddy tigress - i think you all did :P
Jun - not fun ... not fun at all...
anon aka lenny - really? there are flying penguins? :P
seaqueen - eh, you got the story or not?
poseidon - prank... every bit of it :P
Ok I certainly didn't expect a prank here on AZAIG!! Anyway, Zewt, I got pranked elsewhere too. There was this photography forum, I was at the main index page when I saw a thread with the topic (something like) "Newsbreak: PM to step down, DPM to replace". Basket... naturally I also click lah. I even readily opened up another Firefox tab and go to NST online (let that forum thread and NST webpages to load concurrently).
Once inside that thread there was this big April's Fool message. ISHHHKKKKKKKKK
hey it wouldn't recover. that part of the brain regrown but the loss will be permanent. well i am still digging pieces from my past here and there. no worries they say better late than never, rite..lolz..
Cheh! Used up all my brain juice to read for nothing.
narrowband - aiyooo... that one sms also got lor...
kel - nothing is impossible when it comes to the brain... look back at photos... it helps...
missironic - :)
Tine - hehe... found a job already or not?
PISSED!!!! kena con! damn! haha but that was a good one!
jess - hi there... welcome to AZAIG. hahaha... yeah, took me a while to think about that :)
Here, I do not really suppose this will have effect.
I saw a lot of useful material in this post!
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