I think the slogan “Malaysia Boleh” can finally be used for what is arguably the most appropriate occasion. Indeed, Malaysia Boleh… Malaysians Boleh! One good example would be Bandar Tun Razak where a Chinese populated area voted in a Malay PKR candidate instead of a Chinese BN candidate. It is a wonderful feeling to know that race is no longer a motivating factor, at least not entirely. Kudos to you guys there!
All my friends said I am missing all the fun back home. The environment is just brilliant, though some old folks are sort of still skeptical about things and have been stocking up ration fearing a repeat of 513. Times have changed; such dirty tricks ain’t going to work no more!
Speaking of changes, I am sure many of us are looking forward to changes; many changes. The hype within us is building up so high that without us knowing it, our expectations are also reaching great heights. Indeed, changes are inevitable, but I think we should all pause for a moment and try to see one very important point… and this point is that… BN is still the government.
I heard a few comments saying that if the opposition doesn’t perform, they will be voted out next time round. I don’t know about you, and please correct me if I am wrong… I believe that all of us should not be too quick to associate the government with the opposition. After all, the opposition, though controlling 5 states, is still the opposition.
It is BN who will form the cabinet, who will form the government. A quick look at the
As such, we must still keep our eyes open and not to judge too quickly. At least that is what I think.
On hindsight, I am sure many of us are absolutely overjoyed that that that that that former minister lost his seat. I also wonder what kind of shit would be dug out of him. Like what zorro said… “time to lift up the carpet and vacuum out the dirt…”

I will be home soon!
Update: As a mark of respect, the comment on Mr Deros has been removed. However, justice must still prevail, the mansion, if it is illegal, has to go.
i think people should chill and give BR some time. trouble is, some people expect the BR to work magic and BAM! petrol, toll prices, living cost etc immediately go down. Okay maybe not immediately lah.. 3 months. HOi I VOTED YOU IN TO PROVE A POINT TO CHANGE THINGS AROUND, NOW 3 MONTHS ALREADY AND I AM NOT SEEING ANYTHING!!
doesn't work like that. chill, chill :D
Well, Rome wasn't built in a day :)
Going home so soon? What a shame! Hope you enjoyed your holidays!
Ya, we are happy but there's some anxieties as the Sultan of Selangor had withhold naming the MB of Selangor until later dates. We shall wait and see what actually transpires.
Why destroy zak mansion when you can make it for good use?
Despite being the royal state of Selangor. Klang don't have a museum to record the history of Klang. confiscate it and make it a museum, as part of the history. ;)
yalo. don waste resources. make it a museum, or a haunted mansion as tourist attraction. not bad ma.
zewt, read that piece of news. Selangor will reappoint all its councillors and city mayors. soon, they ll push for local elections. Wee E!!!!
My family here is happy that the people are taking a stand and making their votes count.
Little steps zewt, little steps.
zewt don't forget your roots... haha!!
Indeed we must no be overjoyed by this victory. The whole Peninsular had been virtually a unionist state instead of the constitutional federal state due to the long domination of BN in most states.
Besides the media (what a f***ing s*** they are made of!), the new government is also facing a huge barrage of BN loyalists in the civil service, from state agencies to government-linked companies.
As for the media, they're toothless. The Rakyat are not stupid, even despite the intensive negative campaign by MSM to demonise the opposition, the Rakyat's foot and mind are planted well in the ground. Besides, it's a common knowledge that MSM is controlled the government, DUH... Pak Lah's so.. what's the adjective? STUPID. I just wish he stayed on as PM until the next GE.
Well savour the moment and 'constant vigilance' (from Mad Eye Moody)
haha... the unthinkable happen for my area too. the new MP for my constituency gave PAS 26K majority whereas the former BN fellow obtained 8K majority. This fest can only be accomplished when all 3 races work together.
It is indeed very amazing...:)
I agree with suanie...but then, isnt that typical of humans? 7 days after they hailed Jesus Christ as King, they crucified Him!!!...OK, zewt! Everything's over! It's safe to come back now...like that Thaksin or that Butoh, oops...Bhutto (Sorry, m'am! RIP, ya!). LOL!!!
P.S.: Still on honeymoon? And HASIL LUAR NEGERI must declare, ya??? And we can start thinking of what to buy for baby zewt!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
hey you missed the fun! :-)
I believe we as the Rakyat need some patience and cool-headed realism as changes take place.
And we must STOP believing the ongoing propaganda of the mainstream news which many a times demonstrates irresponsible journalism even after the elections.
Perhaps for a new cause , we should bankrupt them by a massive boycott, start a series of new independent papers so our friends in there can have new jobs?
As for TV, force companies to take their advertisement off stations which are irresponsible as well ...
For those who are deeply motivated by profits, I'm sure some loss will wake them up!
woOhooOO!!!! and i haven't voted yet..u were not able to vote..i know a handful of people who did not vote..next time round..these votes will make a bigger difference! wahahahhha
and yes..we can't expect the opposition to work miracle. msia has been corrupted since some guy stood up and shouted three times merdekaaaa..i think oppositions need some time to correct those mistakes! wahhahahah oh go listen to comedy court..goodbye sam!
about fear of 513..i heard that there was a fight in klang area, and someone died. but u know la..we never see news like these on the mainstream media
hey the satay man passed away (of heart attack or suicide) already this morning at 2.30am, are u surprised?
the poor satay man passed away this morning..guess u can give him a break..
I also heard rumours Zak committed suicide but official reason given is heart attack. Either way, he's gone. But that should not stop any investigation to be carried out on his past business dealings,. He may be gone but not his associates.
To ppl who said no nid register to vote coz ur vote will not count pls stand up now and put your tail btw your legs!!!!!!!!
Anyways the main thing is they get rid of those DUNGUs in the local councils...Sultan is trying to make a mockery of the democratic process coz if the RAKYAT has spoken then wat else is there to consider? Must all dont have elections then isnt it?
P/S its a haunted mansion now..datuk zak passed away...al fatihah
with such a tsunami of change in Malaysia, we hope we will not hear again whiners and cynics telling all-a-sundry that we can't do anything about the shit that is happening, we can't effect any change, that the only way out is to migrate/vote-with-their-feet. this is a vindication to all of us who believe the little we can do can make a big difference cumulatively. but there is no time to honeymoon like bodohwi...it's hard work from now on. this is our golden chance to prove to the rakyat that BR can do a better job than BN in running governments.
Great to hear u will soon be back.
Surely all of us can testify to the marvel of God in this election. For me, it is the rebirth of a nation.
Malays, Chinese & Indians in solidarity again!
Anyway, I like what Ko-Chi Wai said, because I too have had enough of those in my office & family who are typical cynics. Now, apparently they are converts to Hope!
Yes, I do think that it is early days to judge BR and I hope everyone realises it. The Star apparently has transformed into an Opposition paper, because it now talks a lot about the Opposition.
We as Bloggers United should really celebrate this occasion. Name the time & Place!
let's go for a teh tarik when you are here bro! :)
Satay man passed away.
I know many of us who voted for BR can't wait for changes but like you say, we got to be realistic. There's only so much they (BR) can do without having the majority of seats. The power to make big decision is still with BN.
We have voted in BR with confidence and we should be thankful that this is made possible due to the unity of the rakyat. It's time we have some faith in them and let them do their job. It's not going to be easy. The BR leaders have gone through much turmoil in their political life. Some have even been sent to jail before.
By now they should have no fear in dealing with any uncertainty ahead. We should give them our full support and cooperation.
LATEST NEWS!!! the MANSION MAN jz passe away due to heart attack!!!
The euphoria on the streets is much like what happened when Pak Lah obtained the biggest mandate in 2004 - full of optimism and hope. The new opposition state govts have much to prove to the people who are now having sky-high expectations. Not an easy job I'd say.
yea..the time of change has come. msians noe wat is going on and wat action shud b taken..though some may hope for miracle to happen like restructuring everyting in a blink of an eye, well tat's not possible..it takes time..but wat we'll b looking forward is improvement. n wif tat, we shall allow our dear oppositions to lead the way of change so tat we can see wat outcome they can bring to msia..dun u tink so?
This is a serious lesson for BN. I hope that this will wake them up and be more sensitive instead of just doing their daily job. Enough said.
Zewt coming back soon?
The Satay Man died but I think the investigations should proceed for truth's sake and the people's sake!
Someone read my last post and warned me there are parties at work scouring the Net for such rubbish which may result ISA being used (misused)!
Something worth dying for, right?
Bring on Bangsa Malaysia
Yeah, the Klang satay mansion man's death came as a shock to me... hmm.. West Msia having all the 'fun'. Sabah and Sarawak still quite ulu.. we need more exposure!
I can't believe that BN still thinks they got a strong win. Rumours have it that it is not uncommon to have ballot boxes switched and/or other dirty tricks played over at East Malaysia during election. There was one time during election day, after polling ended, the whole city (or state, I forgot) suffered a power failure. Coincidence?
Anyway, whatever it is, West Malaysia is where the large chunk of the population is, and it is clear that BN is becoming weaker by the day. And yet, the top man can still say take it easy. Who is he trying to fool? It's the govt that's behind time and need to wake up. The People are no longer easily deceived. I have many Chinese friends who voted PAS instead of BN. You may call these protest votes or impulsive votes but truth is, we're all very pissed with that arrogant party.
And oh, the Klang dude died. How sad. It's like the People just won yet another victory.
i cant wait but to see who is who of the new 5 state gov! :)
Amazing results i would say overall!!!;))))
I went out on Saturday night with my European colleagues; and the streets at Gurney was awfully quiet after DAP won...
2 days into the sworn in; waiving some summons and practising investor friendly policy.
I am such a proud Penangite.:)))
Even prouder to have been part of GE12 as a first timer.
Hope the Pearl of Orient will shine again!!!
It's interesting to note now ppl are actualy voting for/against parties instead of who is the best candidate for the MP of their area...but meh, i can't vote yet...
yes...yes...yes, the rocket finally lift off in Penang,after years of trial and error.
as long as they don't corrupt,Penang cannot be any worse than it is now.
as for the satay man,all i can say is *KARMA*
P/S:although you didn't play your part as a voter,you did well in the blogsphere.cheers!
His death comes as a drama~~ his daughter loses, then he dies. Coincidence?
I too , missed all this fun.
Hope these changes are for the better ! I know I can read some of it here in this blog :)
oh going bk so soon???
i believe you enjoyed your time there ??
i think things back home look clearer when you're overseas, albeit ppl calling you a traitor and enjoying your "fine dining" over here...
(not that i have the money to eat fine dining every so often) :P
like you said, ppl have to be patient. and to be honest, that's wht i'm concerned abt. ppl are angry now bcos of purely the 'rice bowl' thing. dun think they voted based on principles. so if things go wrong, i'm not sure if they still stick to their guns....
but let's watch that space eh??
Hi Zewt thanks for your SMS, hope you had a great time in Europe and a safe flight back home. WIll certainly catch up the next time I'm back in KL! Cheers and Ciao!
hey! the klang mansion man died already out of heart attack! hahaha....it came as a joke to me coz i think it's better for him to die now than possibly being put into jail for the rest of his life! padan muka!
muka-muka semua bercahaya di sini .semangat semuanya tinggi.udara terasa lebih segar.rumput-rumput seakan menghijau setelah lama berlumpur.
walaupun tiada perayaan dan suratkabar masih sama celakanya-biarlah.
saham jatuh-biarkan.
TAPI,jgn ada pergaduhan.
hehe...aku rasa sungguh gembira kerana keluar mengundi hari itu.
Man U kalah piala FA pun tak terasa langsung!
513 was a very sad episode in the county's history. There is a big difference between now and 513. In 513 the opposition was one race while the rulling govt. was mainly made up of another. This time around, the opposition in made up off all Malaysians for Malaysia. slm
imho, BR will have to move and act swiftly. cannot sit back and relax if you don't want the snake to slip away....
just curious, is anyone concerned if AAB leaves the post?
have a safe trip back home, zewt. hope you had a good time in Europe ;)
fai tik fan lei lorrr...
but on 2nd thots, stay there longer also good geh... ;)
I feel good...
good to hear u'll be home soon! at least u can still be part of the action. as for me, i'm totally missing every fun bit of it! and yeah, i can't believe msians actually DARED to vote for change :)
The Klang guy died already lar. Finally we see some justice eh. We'll see how this new people perform.
suanie - too true, that is exactly wat i am trying to say. time is of the essence, but here... time is the essence.
twisted heels - yeah, shame to leave... but good to be home nonetheless.
maverick SM - damn, is it still outstanding?
moo_t - hahaha... good suggestion. or use it as an orphanage.
alvin lim - dont make it haunted la... or maybe make it a satay museum.
rational thinker - heard PKR is going to run selangor like a corporation... sounds cool.
flaminglambo - will your family come back? haha...
ad - never will...
dan-yel - yeah, i had an intereting conversation with a former army just now... the ppl cant be fooled anymore.
myop101 - yeah.... the race issue is only raised by those who dont want harmony.
suituapui - hahahahaha... hasil luar negara... that cracks me up!
Rev. Sivin - yes, all bloggers should unite and start a movement to boycott the mainstream.
huei - yes... make sure next time you will be crossing the right party at the ballot box.
claudiamom - well.... no comment... :)
constant craver joe - yup... removed my comment already.
pablopabla - true... justice must still prevail... if the mansion is illegal... it has to go...
economist - damn right! you read my mind... and those ppl has no right to celebrate! this selangor saga is interesting...
Ko-Chi Wai - yup... these 5 years... prove to us... and the country is as good as theirs...
Josh - really? thestar... opposition paper? maybe the owner is trying to take sides now... heh heh...
bongkersz - sure sure!
Helen - yup... and i am sure we might just see more undercurent type of war going on...
anon @ 4.42pm - yup... that is why i respect them... gone to jail and still fight... they deserve our vote.
~CHARLEMAGNE~ - hi and welcome to AZAIG. yeah, i heard... well, i guess he knew his fate is sealed.
anak merdeka - yup... we need to give them time... but still, changes have to be seen within 5 years.
missironic - soon...we wont be calling them opposition no more...
Melly - yup... wake up call. but i hope they will still sleep. home!
whoALSE - with so many opposition in parliament... i think ISA cant be used that easily anymore... or so we hope.
lynnx01 - yeah ler... you guys still vote the component parties... and sibu is supposed to have many bloggers!
anon @ 10.46pm - yeah, they are still trying to keep their face. dont wanna step down and things like that... they will probably suck this country dry since they know their time is up...
tulipspeaks - well, penang is done deal... selangor... worrying.
jermayne - i think the whole malaysia should be proud. the pearl of orient... nice name and penang should live up to it!
anon @ 11.39pm - how about next time then?
anon @ 12.49am - thanks... i am glad i did my part. would have voted if i had the chance.
day-dreamer - he just cant take the pressure.
mr jp - yeah... more to come i am sure.
pavlova - wahh... got ppl call me traitor eh? :P... yeah... ppl are a bit emotional now... and demand instant change. i believe it's possible... but the govt will try to stop them... interesting times ahead.
svllee - cheers... hope to see u soon.
sharlydia - wah... so blunt meh? hahahaha...
j or ji - hahahaha... man u kalah FA cup... aku terasa ... sebab saya nak dia orang menang treble! walaubagaimanapun... memang keputusan yang sungguh baik!
anon @ 1.00am - yup... we have matured way ahead... it's the govt who are still childish.
susu kacang - true... you have got a point. they have to make change... and try to make full use of this term.
angeles - of cos... but come back also good la.
Jun - so when you are eligibe...make sure u join the fun :)
seaqueen - there are still plenty of dirt to dig.... interesting to see.
hahaha..ya n tat will b a gud change! =)
missironic - yeah... gotta get used to it.
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