Last Saturday, I achieved 2 of the things which I intend to accomplish in my life. The first was to get married before I am 30, the latter is to get married before I am bald. I have to thank God for making those dreams come true.
Another thing which has always been in my mind is to have a very unique entrance to my wedding dinner. And once again, I must thank God that what I planned turned out perfect and pun intended, too bad I only get to do it once.
The first task was to search for the right song. It must not be an over-played tune; one where the guests go “this song again?” as soon as it’s played. I want the guests to ask and wonder…”what song is this?” when it’s being played. After a hunting time, I stumbled upon one which fits the bill.
So after getting the song, I planned the rehearsed the dinner march-in in this manner…
The emcee went up the stage to give her welcoming speech and proceeded to ask the guests to stand to welcome the bride and groom. My comrade, who was in the control room immediately turned off all lights in the ballroom. This gave me the opportunity to sneak into the ball room unnoticed and blend into the crowd.
The music began… those who saw me standing in front was wondering what was I doing there. The aren’t-you-supposed-to-be-there-at-the-entrance hand signal was too easy to decipher. Well, I just ignored them…
The 1st verse of the song came on and nothing happen… the 2nd verse came on and the spotlight got on and focused on the entrance. By this time, quite a number of people already know why I was standing in front… but anyway…
The 3rd verse came into play and the bride began to come in, she was walking in with her dad. It took the time of 3rd and 4th verse for the bride to walk from the entrance door to the middle. It was also the time where I was slowly walking from the front to the middle of the ballroom. After the 4th verse, there was a 26 seconds instrumental interval, perfect for me to get the bride from her father.
You must be thinking… what is so special about that? Well, it is special because…
I was the one singing the song all these while.
When I lifted up the mic and began to sing at the front, I could see the surprise in the faces of all who saw me. When I was slowly walking to the middle of the ballroom while singing the song, I heard a few “oh my god, he is the one singing it”… my plan to divert all their attention to the front and surprise them by me being the singer… worked!
The 5th verse of the song allowed me to walk with Jules from the middle of the ballroom to the main dinner table. Once there, I went up the stage to complete the song by singing the last verse…
Perhaps I will put up the video in YouTube; I shall think about it.
I thought of writing and composing the song myself but I think the timing of the song I chose was just perfect. So I managed to fulfil my dream of having a unique and fairy tale entrance for my dinner, to me at least. I do wish I can do it again… with the same bride of course.
Other parts of the wedding were perfect too, but that is a story for another day.
Another thing which has always been in my mind is to have a very unique entrance to my wedding dinner. And once again, I must thank God that what I planned turned out perfect and pun intended, too bad I only get to do it once.
The first task was to search for the right song. It must not be an over-played tune; one where the guests go “this song again?” as soon as it’s played. I want the guests to ask and wonder…”what song is this?” when it’s being played. After a hunting time, I stumbled upon one which fits the bill.
So after getting the song, I planned the rehearsed the dinner march-in in this manner…
The emcee went up the stage to give her welcoming speech and proceeded to ask the guests to stand to welcome the bride and groom. My comrade, who was in the control room immediately turned off all lights in the ballroom. This gave me the opportunity to sneak into the ball room unnoticed and blend into the crowd.
The music began… those who saw me standing in front was wondering what was I doing there. The aren’t-you-supposed-to-be-there-at-the-entrance hand signal was too easy to decipher. Well, I just ignored them…
The 1st verse of the song came on and nothing happen… the 2nd verse came on and the spotlight got on and focused on the entrance. By this time, quite a number of people already know why I was standing in front… but anyway…
The 3rd verse came into play and the bride began to come in, she was walking in with her dad. It took the time of 3rd and 4th verse for the bride to walk from the entrance door to the middle. It was also the time where I was slowly walking from the front to the middle of the ballroom. After the 4th verse, there was a 26 seconds instrumental interval, perfect for me to get the bride from her father.
You must be thinking… what is so special about that? Well, it is special because…
I was the one singing the song all these while.
The 5th verse of the song allowed me to walk with Jules from the middle of the ballroom to the main dinner table. Once there, I went up the stage to complete the song by singing the last verse…

I thought of writing and composing the song myself but I think the timing of the song I chose was just perfect. So I managed to fulfil my dream of having a unique and fairy tale entrance for my dinner, to me at least. I do wish I can do it again… with the same bride of course.
Other parts of the wedding were perfect too, but that is a story for another day.

just too romantic...I think I'm going to faint..
Congratulations Zewt and Jules!
now i join daphstar* in fainting.. :P
Congratulations! May you have a lifetime of love and happiness together!
Congratulations, bro! And also for your beautiful Jules!
Congrats zewt!!!!
I'm sure it was a magical day. Hope to see a short clip of you singing in while you march in... Kekeke...
Anyway, God bless you and your wife as you start on your beautiful journey on this new chapter of life. ;-)
Congratulation! Now it is the time for u to accomplish the third task in life...........To be a good father!!! Oh I am sure u r a good hubby! For tips & inspiration just poke into my site! God to have a ratty son/daughter!!!!
Have a nice day & enjoy ur honeymoon! Just don't break the bed! The floor will be a very good place!
We are the fortunate ones to attend Zewt's wedding... Believe me, it was sooo sooo romantic and awesome. He had the most beautiful voice for the most beautiful occasion.
Man, you should really post it up. Can't get enough of it. BTW, is that song one of your own compositions?
awesome!!! awesome awesome!! jules is so pretty and looks very ' tai fong' ( how to say that in eng..haha)
u are a perfectionist are u a virgo. congrats zewt!
wa, very romantic leh u. hahaha. congrats mate. :D :D leng chai and leng lui kahwin = perfect match ;)
hopefully we get to see little zewt soon :)
Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Zewt!!!
And thanks for sharing this very important part of your life with us your readers...just reading it made me feel I was there! Haha...and aren't you the romantic? Post it up Zewt! Can't wait to hear you sing...*wishing I was there*...hehe...
Now we know that guys have their own "fairy-tale wedding" too.. That was sweet =) Congratulations and God Bless!
congratulations zewt!!! now this is very original!!! i think i may have to hire Chinese acrobats for my wedding if i ever wanna surprise my guests... hehehe... congrats again!!!
Kung hei, kung hei!
My my! you look so lengjai in that wedding photo.
Pssst! Who did the photoshop for you ah? Muahahaha!!
wow... u must have really good voice to be able to sing songs in front of so many people!
This is the first time i actually saw ur pic and jules... u both r very beautiful couple! Congrats!!
p.s: please post up the video! i wanna seee... pretty please!!
waiting to see u announce zewt junior soon k!!
that's just sweet~ congrats!
Congrats! Enjoy your honeymoon in Paris!
Congratulations! Welcome to the club!
As Clarence Thomas said: "A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears."
I'm sure Jules will remember your song & your singing forever.
My Heartiest Congratulations again!
Being deeply loved by Jules, gives you strength; loving Jules deeply gives you courage.
God Bless you both Always!
awwww zewt!! congratulazioni e tanti auguri!! =) Wishing you both the very very very best!~ and i love your wedding up more pls? *hugz
Congratulations my fren!!! Wow mission accomplished ya? Yet another mission to set and work on!
She's gorgeous, and you're dashing. Both of u look absolutely stunning!
Hope you'll work hard a bit and get to "pou zai zai" before the end of 2008! LOL!
Yes! Youtubeyoutubeyoutube!!
My friend's wedding was the other way round.. where the bride sang the song while walking into the ballroom and the groom was waiting for her in the middle of the ballroom. (But I think yours more fairytale!)
Congratulations to you & Julia! (Dun be like Adrian oh... haha.. just kidding!!)
ps: Hotel Maya?
pps: OK, now I go faint with misti... :P
Congratulations Zewt :)
I sincerely wish you and your bride loads of happiness for the years to come.
(This is assuming that you have a halfway-decent singing voice... Otherwise it would just be plain cruelty :)
My gosh you guys look great together! And your wedding sounds great man. Which song though, you never mentioned.
If it was up to me?
Remember that song from Shrek 2? When Shrek appeared, then to distract Princess Fiona she broke into...
'I need a hero! I need a hero to get me to the end of the night...'
That one!
But anyway, sounds like a wonderful wedding. You guys looks like a match in heaven.
Too bad I'm growing more and more bald even as we speak... and I'm 22 (the horror...)
congrats on your wedding. wow..its so romantic *swoons*
pls put the vid up in youtube!
wah finally mr & mrs ho :)
im so happy for you!
got video must lemme know!!
Congratulations.... share the video... :P
congratulations! wow, that was awesome! we've got a lot to learn from you. hehe. The wedding photo's perfect! Enjoy your honeymoon and God bless both of you!
finally bro, finally .. I have 4 more years to work out that goal before i reach 30 and maybe bald like you said. ;)
But anyway, congrats dude. That's lovely photo. Awesome
ZEWT! OMG...Congratulations man!! Haha.. Can't believe you're actually such a thoughtful and romantic guy... *grins* I'm impressed. You should open up classes to educate more guys out there on "How to be romantic"! Haha.. :p
Congratulations Zewt & Jules!!! How absolutely romantic...and that's a lovely photo to end the post with...=)
congrats,zewt!!!omg!!you are so romantic...hehe..remember to post the video...we should all share ur happiness coz we couldn't make it to ur wedding dinner :P life as a hubby is pretty much different now,huh?
DaphStar* - you know what you want from your bf now hehe.
mistipurple - ok, wait till i get the video.
Lenny - thanks lenny.
bakaq a.k.a. ~penarik beca - hello bro... thanks for your wishes.
Angie Tan - thanks angie, i probably need to edit that clip.
hor ny - i knew you will say that. not so soon la... maybe in 2 years time i will be a father.
kerry - so did i suprise you all? :).... i didnt compose it, wanted to but really got no time to do it.
winn - tai fong... i also dunno how to say it... but i understand la...hehe.
Alvin Lim - thanks bro. but little zewt... not so soon la.
mar - thanks mar. i will be posting more of it, hope you guys will not be bore of it.
rach p - yeah, i happened to be one of such guys :)
"maemee" - ahahahaha.... i saw a very other variation too, but not as nice as this :P
Congratulations to zewt & jules!
That's so romantic... hey, you didn't reveal the name of the song?
Both of you look perfectly mtched - may God bless you richly in your married life!
cocka doodle - the pre-wed shot was free so no photoshop leh... maybe just adjust colour only hehe.
princessladyjane - well, i have sung a few times in church before so i wasnt that nervous hehe... yeah, zewt has now been revealed.
-=Sin=- - thanks.
twisted heels - actually, it has been revised to italy. but will be in paris during the valentine weekend.
mh - hahaha... thanks!
Jemima - when i first brought up the idea to her... she said it fees weird... can u imagine that? but after we've done it, she said..."let's do that again"...
H.C. Tan - wahh... can speak italiano already eh?
kyh - hahaha... maybe by 2010.... need to move to grassland before making 'zai zai' hehe...
angeles - bride sung and the groom wait in the middle... a bit terbalik right? the groom supposed to charm the bride mah. i guess that bride is a better singer than the groom eh? finish faiting already or not?
LaSh - thanks sir... when is your turn?
Sheena - hahaha... which is why i need to think about it :P
Aleckii - hahahahaha... if i sing that song, i think she will run away. it's a song by garth brooks... very nice. 22 and bald... you're a doc right, can get some medication i am sure.
Iced Nyior - need to edit it first lor... and... the expectation so high... better re-consider.
Sunshine - sure... can let you see la.
siwwypig - thanks... will do.
jlshyang - thanks... think of a variation and be original.
cibol - i am sure all men wanna have hair when they married... so... better work hard on it :)
supergirlfriend - i have a few other ideas... i will share... with a price kakakakkaa...
sooyin - hey!!! i gotta check if you have revived your blog! thanks for the wishes.
kyliemc - still the same cos i havent really feel it yet due to modern slave commitment. the video... let me see it first... :)
rinnah - the song is "to make you feel my love" by garth brooks. :)
That is one fantastic entrance for the wedding reception. You must have a splendid voice to make people think that the singing was prerecorded. Yes, I echo everyone up there... video please!
Psst..I also had a non-conventional song for my wedding entrance :P
Congrats Zewt and Jules! Both of you looked so the sweet and romantic together :)
yes, youtube please hehe
you two are a lovely couple!!! feel the love!!! aye! congratulations!!!
U took the right moment to reveal yourself and your wife's look in public. No wonder u r a hottie in that gym changing room!
Selamat pengantin baru, semoga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat all the way to heaven. Mr.Romantic eh u! Must the envy of those singletons in that ballroom! Definitely another one bites the dust!
I'm getting frogs in my throat, cant say anymore, too overwhelmed yet very happy for u, zewt. (Wipe some tears off my eyes, i am a sucker for romantic weddings like yours).
Congrats, Zewt! U're a man of many talents!
Hi! Dropping by the first find myself in the midst of such a happy occasion! Gee! Good luck lah like that!!!Congratulations to u both and may ur marriage be blessed with lots and lots of blue skies and everything nice. romantic! Such a lovely couple! (Can join contest...may win free honeymoon!) What song did u sing? Can't wait to see it on youtube!
Major congratulations from me, bro! :D
Very delighted to see you marrying your sweetheart, and what a way to do it too! Romance is still very much alive in this day and age! Gives the rest of us much hope too... ;)
ZEWT!!! Congrats!
Holy cow, I din know you're so handsome. It's true what they say.. all the leang jai are either taken or gay.
Still remember your good deed for the day pledge? Practice it now! Go post your 'idol' performance on Youtube! :-)
CONGRATULATIONS to you and GOOD LUCK to your lovely darling wife! I've learned tat tats the proper wishes to wish bride & bridegroom. Correct me if I'm wrong.. hehehe..
neway, multiple thumbs up on singing ur own wedding song! yeah, it definitely beats the conventional wedding's totally SURPRISING! Job well done. Wish can hear the song u sang! any chances? ;)
lastly, great married couple pic! I wish u many many happiness till the end! Cheers! =D
Congratulation bro! For getting married before you reach 30 and bald. All the best wishes to you and Jules! A new chapter in your life, trust you to make the best of out it. Cheers!!!!
p/s: when are you going to post the video up? :P
congratulations to both of you!
congratulations to both of you!
Congratulations! Very nice wedding portrait, what a lovely couple! Jules very pretty, very sweet. (^_^)
CONGRATS! God Bless the journey as the both of you walk together. My prayers with you. Jules is beautiful and you look good too!
" A marriage is not a joining of two worlds, but an abandoning of two worlds in order that one new one might be formed"
Mike Mason in The Mystery of Marriage
Wishing you guys a blissful & wonderful marriage.
Congratulations and God bless :)
Wowowowow! Do post the video clip. I wish more guys would think like this. :-) You a Cancerian?
Aww.. That was just soooo sweet! Congratulations :D
If my man sings for me to walk down to aisle, I swear I'll cry. It couldn't have been a better processional, mate. Bravo!
My heartiest congratulations to you and Jules. May the Lord bless you both in your marriage abundantly.
PS: Love the last pic ;)
wahlau... already so many comments :)
anyway, congratulations and may God continue to lead you two for the rest of the journey.
wow...that's good...congrats!...:)
Giddy Tiger - just some amatuer appearances in church and some other places... this is certainly a different arena. i am glad it went well. what song did you use?
_butt - hehe... have to edit the clip.
imp - thanks thanks.
Manal - i hope this entry will get me away from those unwanted attention in the gym hehe... thanks for the well wishes.
Poseidon - we all are :)
suituapui - hi there. thanks for dropping by. it's a song called 'to make you feel my love' from garth brooks. glad you landed here in a happy time.
kennymah - indeed, if we look deep enough, it's surely there :)
Helen - i would prefer to offer myself as a wedding singer... free of charge... haha.
missironic - like i said... i will offer myself as a wedding singer... haha. one of your friend heard me sang that day... hehe.
bongkersz - thanks bro. will send it to you la... if i dont post it up.
misha - thanks misha...
Doreen - thanks Doreen... i love that picture.
Melly - thanks mel... thanks for the prayers... will certainly go us good :)
beeranyone - i really wonder where you get all those quotes all the time :)
rashikaps - hmmm.. yeah, i am.
pelf - thanks... it was the best :)
Tine - you know what... julia didnt cry... her mom did! hehe...
wahlau - hey, welcome. not that many la... and thanks.
myop101 - so are you going to do the same? :)
Congratulations, mr zewt!!!
kinda surprised that amidst all that wedding preparation, u still managed to find time to blog! n here's a *yam seng* to u n ur wife!!
Congratulations brother on your wedding to Jules. I will pray that this will be your first and last wedding.
I have done my 35th annivessary last November, try to beat it bro.
May God bring you lasting happiness.
Just googled the song to listen! beautiful! So sentimental! So romantic! Did Jules cry when she heard u singing?? I often sing at weddings-songs like "This I promise you", "When I fall in love",
"Can't help falling in love"....Too bad I got married over 25 years ago...or like u, I'd sing one too! I think I'd choose Joshua Kadison's "Beautiful In my Eyes".
is tht u and jules in the last pic?? u guys look so sweet lah! :D jt thinking abt organising a wedding din is too stressful edi, i take my hats off to all those who manage to pull thru!
Yo Zewt, I must congratulate you on your union. It was indeed a beautiful march-in you organized. Now I wonder how'll mine be when the time comes...
Congrats from Bengbeng, Mrs Bengbeng and Benghui. Please consider abt the video thing. We would love to watch it :)
Congratulations and may that be the first of many fairy tales to flourished between you and Jules.
Congrats once again.
Congarts! and glad that you had a nice wedding!
Btw, are you sure you've got nothing to do with Justin Lo? The more i look at you, the more you look like him! Haha!
Have a wonderful married life.. :)
Congratulations! Gong hei gong hei... can give ang pau liao! Hehe. :P
Congratulations zewt!
Very romantic indeed! Hope to see it on youtube soon.
Is this the first time your "face" appeared in this blog? Looks great!
Congrats!! Your wife is purrtyy btw. =p
You're soooo romantic laa..almost faint reading it..haha..
congrats zewt, finally ur day comes... ;) congrats for making a good one too wukakakkaka luckily nobody faint la after u sing rite? like lalat kena shieldtox kakakakaka...
happy for you and jules, u two are beautiful ;) congrats, may the new life after this brings you everlasting love and a dozen of complicated mind children, like you wukakakkaka.... *does the eyebrows*
rachel - my wife said i need to blog about our wedding so that i will remember it. but i already have it all planned out... :)
Zawi - i think one must also be blessed with long life to reach that 35th year.... you certainly is blessed. i hope i will too.
suituapui - well, if you listen carefully, some of the lyrics are not appropriate, i had to amend it. so you're also a wedding singer huh. 'beautiful in my eyes' have been sung a few times so not that unique anymore hehe.
Jun - yes, the last pic is us. and yes... tell me about it... the stress of organising a wedding... sigh.
narrowband - i have a few other ideas too. i can help u if u want.
bengbeng - thanks... i will certainly do it if possible.
mrbherng - thanks bro... very thoughtful wishes there.
seok thong - you know what? you are not the first to say this. and i am not bragging but since i am older than him, i think he is the one who looks like me! hehehe.... the make up artist who met me just for a few hours said the exact same thing.
day dreamer - i will be london... so wont be giving any this year hehe.
Grace - thanks...
purple mushroom - youtube... that is like at every lips now... :P
mike - yeah, i finally revealed myself.
AngryYoungChild - hahahaha... almost only right?
Calvin's wife - must specially thank you for the logo, which we used in our church invite. dozen of children?... ok... i dont think i can do that hehe...
wah...this is so romantic!
at first when i was reading, i tot u were planning to do that...didnt know u actually did it d....
congratulations to u and jules!
the wedding pic is really perfect and her smile...super!
Zewt, sorry i missed the boat. Congratulations to u and mrs! wht a lovely looking couple u guys are. ;)
congrats zewt!
Congratulations to you and Jules, Zewt! :) And what a wonderfully romantic wedding :)
I'm also planning for a wedding in Dec and was hoping you wouldn't mind sharing some of your vendors such as your pre-wedding photographer, actual day photographer and where Jules got her gown from.
Thanks very much :)
I noticed you mentioned your pre-wedding shots were free. Were they done by a friend? They're beautifully taken!
Thanks and congratulations again :) Do post up your video!
lovely wife and certainly fairy wedding.
And it's so sweet and romantic! My heart melted reading that, you sang for her!!! Awwww!! And you must have been amazing since no one knew until they saw you!!!! =D
Yes PLEASE do post it up on youtube!!! It's a happy memory worth sharing!
You both look absolutely GORGEOUS, the happy smiles on your faces!!
oh? so ppl can hire u as a wedding singer for their weddings nex time? fren? who?
CONGRATS!!!!! really very romantic, what you did there.... i think the guests would have only one thought in their mind at that moment - 'awwwwwwwww so sweet!'
and both of you look so radiant in that last photo! congrats congrats congrats!!! :)
Wah!!! You so handsome one ah??? Hahahhah!! Congratulations!
and so romantic some more... *faint*
im sure every1 must have asked in the earlier comments..what song ar? looks like i will never b able to sing lor..i m tone deaf..prob scare away every guest that nite hahah
Wah wah wah wah!!!
gile best!
let me wish u in bahasa..SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU!!
sangat romantik,meremang bulu roma ku!
Now u r a married man..gua caya lu lah!
Man... I guess I'm the last AZAIG blog reader to wish you. Sorry dude... but... Congrats!
Good to hear that all went as planned and surely it was a night/day to remember. Here's wishing you many blessings to your new life as husband and wife. Welcome to the club dude!
Oh... and you two look great together!
Cheers to you and Jules!
So romantic. The picture is really nice.
Post up the video, please? =D
Bro! Congrats! Congrats!
Wishing the both of you many happy moments together. White hair till old. (You won't be bald, only got white hair, ok or not?) :P
Yum.... seng!
Yum.... seng!
Yum.... seng!
Dun worry, I'm just drinking coke.
Btw, what song is that huh? ;)
And oh, u lost heck a lot of weight man!
Next question is when's the kids coming? :P
Congratulations on your marriage, Zewt!
May you and Jules have a lifetime of happiness.
Been following your blog for a few months now. Finally get to see how you look like :)
Congratulations and may you and your wifey be blessed with a happy marriage!
hey.. congrats!!!
Congratulations..! :) so happy for you both..!
wow! i admire you man.. singing in front of the crowd on your wedding day. why would have though of that?
so sweet. congratulations!
zewt sorry kinda late in congrating you and jules! but CONGRATS ANYWAY!!!
An absolutely romantic idea :)
They wont let me log in!
i had a friend from uni who got married last year and did exactly that (sang as the bride walked in)! all the other boyfriends in the room were soooo worried after that! bet your guy friends were toO!
and you looked very very handsome mehhhhhh.... haihhh...
hehehehehe... :)
Congratulations on your wedding! Wishing you and your wife a lifetime happiness ;)
Congrats there......
must be an awesome night!
these are the things that makes u go *awwwww* zewt. Post it up la... we (who weren't d fortunate ones to attend) also wanna be a part of one your life's most memorable day (and hopefully steal some ideas)...
finally a face to pin the wonderful owner of this blog. i must say... the both of you look so kiut together (and i'm not jz saying that to be nice)...
congrats on your successfully planned wedding and i'm happy that everything went according to your plans. *hUgZ*
haha! we all know u sing well, and i expected u to sing at ur wedding too...but totally did not expect u to sing for the march in lor...SOOOOOOOO ROMANTIC!
106 comments! Gee!!! Step aside, kennysia! Zewt's here!!! LOL!!!
P.S.: Quick! Post the video! Sure even more comments!!!
What a perfect wedding. I'm eager to see the video and listen to you singing. Wow you very leng zai ha. Your wife is charming too.
Eh dude...belated. CONGRATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kung hei, kung hei!!
May your life together be blessed with many happy and memorable moments, and your love for each other grow deeper and deeper as the years go by.
Don't forget to put as much and more effort into your marriage as you did for the courtship and preparation. Making a marriage work is hard work! :)
And cook more! Esp your chilli mushroom... :D
What a beautiful, beautiful couple! Congratulations, and many more happy days to come for you both!
Damn it u can sing and cook as well..
=) congrats...God bless and both make a beautiful couple...I love the smiles! Priceless! =)
A dozen you kenot meh? Wukakaka are you looking down on your own capabilities?? Wukakakaka.. and hey on the logo thingy, no problem, for a friend.... ;)
Today we learn 2 things:
1) how does zewt look like
2) that he's married !!
congratulations man !!
Did you blog in between the song?! :P
Congratulations!! :) Wedding is the most beautiful part about life. That's when two lives vow to become one and soon create another one. :D
Hey Zewt,
Whoa...Congrats on the wedding bro! Lovely pic, by the way...First time I am actually seeing your face! Hehe...You're mentioned in my blog, by the way...=)
Congratulations Zewt and Jules...
awww.. this is so schweettt! Congratulations! :)
May you be bless with a blissful marriage
Wishing you "pak tau tou lou"
mr and mrs ho!! congrats!!
Lynnwei - it was in my plan for the longest time, i am glad i made it :)
PrincessJournals - no worries, dont think u miss the boat :)
Pauline Yap - hello, welcome to AZAIG. thanks.
Pinkelle - will do certainly. many things to prepare. will blog about it i am sure. keep a look out for it yeah.
rational thinker - thanks bro.
Huei - wah, so many ppl ask for it to be on youtube... hope i will not disappoint you all :)
missironic - that friend... u have to hunt for him... haha.
lingzie - thanks, it took a lot of planning i can tell u.
gina - dont faint la... later no more ppl read my blog lor... :)
constant craver joe - as long as you sing, i am sure your bride-to-be will be glad... :)
j or ji - terima kasih... ribuan terima kasih... bulu roma... takkan naik la... :)
F.O.N @ frostee - many thanks bro. you're not the last la... many more came :)
lovie - well... i will try :)
adrian - yammmmmm seng... eh, how you know i lost weight la?
Tsu Lin - thanks tsu lin... :)
sooky - hi there, welcome to AZAIG. yeah, i finally decided to reveal myself :)... thanks for following and hope to see you around...
tulipspeaks - thanks ammu.
Charmayne - i am happy too :)
liyiesther.C - it has been my plan for a while. just that jules is the special one to get it :)
pinksterz - takde late la... better late than never. evie tu gila.
terra shield - blogger is screwed up sometime... :) i have got a few more romantic ideas too.
helpo - hahaha... yeah, i certainly know how he feels...
TiNa HusSaiN - hehe... thank you thank you.
hcfoo - thanks hcfoo... lifetime is indeed a long time!
whoalse - it was a perfect night :)
aSstHa - yeah, finally i revealed myself... tough decision but i guess it's the right time :)
sharlydia - well, i think your husband knew what i was doing... or maybe not. well... i am glad i made it romantic :)
suituapui - haha... well, i think i cant compare with kennysia la... the video is currently with my wife.
Bee Ean - yeah, video on youtube is the current demand :)
freethinker - thanks dude.
kat - i will certainly be doing a lot of cooking in the next month... :)... yeah, court your wife, all your life, will practise that.
Lil' Ms Pinky - thanks... but i am sure there will be happy and unhappy days. just have to live through it together.
pookyma - and i can do a lot of other things too :P
Melissa - priceless indeed :)
Calvin's wife - i can ... wallet cannot leh... wukakakaka.
jasonphoon - only 2 things? :)
whisperingshout - hahahaha... my wife would have killed me if i did.
ehon - and wedding is the beginning of the real thing... marriage.
jessbabe - thanks...
Daphne Ling - thanks thanks... i have not check my reader feeds for a few days now. will certainly read that when i do.
eve - thanks eve...
SWei - sweeeeet eh? :)
leyaw - hey there... thanks thanks... but hopefully not so fast pak tau :)
sooi2 - thanks sooisooi :)
zewt, no lar, my blog is still stone cold dead...hehe...=)
hope I am not too late to congrat u!! You both are really lovely!!Leng chai and leng lui!! May God showering your marriage life!!
That's sooooo romantic =)
*feeling emotional*
I can imagine Jules's happiness when you sang on your wedding day.
Congrats to you both. I wish you love always.
Wah lau! I am so late in catching up with your news. Congrats man! God bless the both of you!
And so, that's the face behind this blog ;) Both of you are gonna have pretty good looking kids ;)
Wish your married life has lasting warm and full of love. A word of advice from a silly married man: Should somewhere along your path, you just feel things are not going quite as you liked, take the family off to an isolated place for a short holiday and away from the madness. We learn and appreciate each other more in close isolation.
A big, big Congratulations to you and Jules!!
That's a very very nice pic of you two.. and your wife is so pretty.. ;)
Time to wait for Little Zewt.. maybe in future he will blog like you do as ZEWT Jr.
hunt ah? hmm, okie la, see i hardworking to hunt or not first! hahaha...=P
Oh my!! Congratulations!!! Sorry for this late greeting, have not been into blogging these days.
Happy working in London!
sooyin - revive it then! :)
Nonstop - many thanks... you're not too late. never too late.
Angele - she didnt cry though... her mom did :P
pablopabla - yup... zewt is finally revealed.
william wang - thanks thanks... it is certainly a life long learning experience.
king's wife - woah... what wind blow you here? thanks thanks.
drumsticks - hahaha... not so soon.
missironic - ok la... the hunting part can step back for the moment.
dan-yel - no worries dan. i know you're busy with activist stuff... certainly understand.
Well, im sure u've heard it all but,
*throws confetti*
XD Wah~! And your wedding is definitely orinigal and *aww..* so sweet.. =) Happy happy always. =)
And, haha~! some of your comments aimed at you are very funny. LoL~! Congrats again. =)
jz happened to see ur blog....
A romantic wedding and a special one...
acute critique - thanks thanks.... which comment was funny?
rabbit - hey... thanks thanks.
That was so amazingly gorgeous. Loads of great wishes to you and your Bride!!!
[Both of you look great together btw ;) 有夫妻脸!!!]
hope i'm not too late to congratulate u :P~
conrats Mr.zEWT!
oops i mean, congrats Mr.Zewt!!
Sam - hey sam. thanks. are u heading to KL for the malaysian open?
Nicviron - thanks :)
::Nicole:: - now you can ask russ to do the same :)
JenniJane - thanks... zEWT or Zewt... same la...
Congratulations, Zewt. And to Jules too :D You both look gorgeous. You won't believe this but my husband did almost the same thing during our wedding. All the same except the surprise part.
So when are you coming to Australia? Don't be a stranger if you ever come to Perth!
ai? where did my comment about the baby faced groom go???? *pout* you didn't like criticism so you erased it issit?? *pout some more*
Congrats, Zewt!
synergylyn - really???? i guess he marched in with you huh? well, should be by the end of this year.
me - i didnt delete any comment leh.
gracieq - thanks :)
wow... what a handsome couple and so sweet smile, the beautiful bride... HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS to Zewt and his Mrs, Jules =)
... with the same bride :)
sweet. congrats and god bless you both.
The singing part... just so you!
oz - hee.... thanks thanks...
Sara - of cos with the same bride :)
k.h. - hmmm.... i know you? :)
Congrats Zewt,
sorry being late.
Congrats Mr & Mrs Zewt, hope to watch u on youtube plz....
congratulations to both of you, zewt & jules! *sigh* Sooo romantic... *sobs* hehe
I just started reading your blog yesterday and loving every entry you did! :)
kayatan - no worries... thanks.
shirl - :)... will try.
melbie - hello... welcome to AZAIG. glad you drop by and i am glad you like AZAIG.
congratulations mate! and well wishes to you, your wifey and your coming soon addtional family members. =)
No I'm not. But seeing as how there's only two Msian shuttlers left in Semi's....There won't be as much action to watch really? MD was an amazing letdown!!!
huntressmoon - hello... welcome to AZAIG. thanks for your well wishes... but i dont think there will be any new addition any time soon :)
sam - tell me about it. i dont think KKK and TBH can win the olympics. i am banking more on CTF and LWW.
Congrats and God Bless!
my heartiest congratulations, man!
congratulations! that is a very lovely wedding pic. and singing... omg... very romantic!
KcL - thanks... God bless too :)
pamima - thanks... appreciate it :)
Siew - hahaha... men can be romantic too :)
My belated congratulations!
jam - not late at all :) thanks...
Congrats congrats.. Just got to read bout your wedding.. :) have been busy...
May you have a fairy tale ending to your love story as well... :) Happily Ever After.. :)
my heartiest congratulations to you & yr wife....i must say u r so sweet & jules so pretty!!
i'm one of those slave that u mentioned "slog out the late nights to produce the relevant numbers for the year" .... been real busy & i can't believe i missed so much fr yr blog!
some more u r already in london... wow...another congrats to you for the new life!
will be back to read more...still busy coz d entire process has yet to complete...u know what i mean?
jolcy - thanks... very happy indeed :)
jacss - well, i am at group level doing consol... just that, the culture is so different here... i never work lae :P... enjoy...
Heartiest Congratulations to you and your bride!
Best Wishes for a long, lasting, loving, wonderul marriage ahead.
may - hey may! thanks... :)
lol, this is prolly super late but, CONGRATS~ ur bride is very pretty, n of course u look good in dat pic 2. ur wife reminds me of a singaporean actress whose name i jz cant recall =P
seen - hi... wooaah... singaporean actress? hmmmmm....
Hey Congrats, I may be late but I still wanna wish you. God bless both of you.
emelda - hey!! thanks :)
claudiamom - never too late... thanks :)
Congratulations!!! hehe.. what a beautiful wedding (the "plot" was beautifully arranged, with beautiful bride and bridegroom with a beautiful smile...)
she's beautiful.. =)
Y.E@eevet - thanks... the plot was not easy...
nabila elme - thanks... :)
Oh My goodness!!! I didnt know you got married!!! Congratulations Zewt!!! Your picture is beautiful! Jules looks shining!!!! I wish you guys all the best with a life filled with happiness and joy!!! With lots of kids! =P
princess shin - thanks. i only want 2 kids hehe....
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