In case you are not aware; 8.30pm to 9.30pm this Saturday, 28th March 2008 will be the earth hour in Malaysia. All are encouraged to (at least) turn off your lights for one hour commencing 8.30pm on that day. This is not some glamour event that ask you to freeze for a minute so that you can pose for pictures, this is the real thing.
But please, do not turn off the lights at home and head to the cinema for a movie, or head to the nearest cyber café gaming away. The true spirit of earth hour can only be achieved when you and I cease to consume energy of any form during that hour. No internet too ya? I will even forgive you if you decide not to read AZAIG for the whole weekend.
I am rather extreme, I would consider going to the mall to window shop as consuming energy. As I have said, let us shut off everything for just that hour. I heard that some buildings in town have decided to shut off everything commencing 8.30pm onwards and it’s really encouraging.
Are you against global warming for real? Prove it! Go primitive for at least an hour!
2 years go… 2nd chance with Mom

I am rather extreme, I would consider going to the mall to window shop as consuming energy. As I have said, let us shut off everything for just that hour. I heard that some buildings in town have decided to shut off everything commencing 8.30pm onwards and it’s really encouraging.
Are you against global warming for real? Prove it! Go primitive for at least an hour!
2 years go… 2nd chance with Mom
I participated in this last year.
This year, I'm going the extra mile to show my 'earth hour' spirit.
This year, I plan to shut down my neighbour's light supply whether they like it or not.
Against global warming? Yes
Go primitive? No
Why? I will use my handphone's 3G and stay connected still while my house goes dark :p
Everything will be off for more than 1 hour in my place I think. Bcos at the same time 3.30pm in Russia, I'll be taking my afternoon nap... probably I'll wake up after 3 hours lol.
Yes Zewt, i will do my's time to immerse ourself in the beauty of those who still wish to consume energy, i wonder if you ever u think u make a difference to this world by doing so?
I even shut down my blog for that hour, hehe! So bad yours not a wordpress blog, so cannot install the so-called earth hour plugin. To all the wordpress user, you can now install this plugin to automatically shut down your blog from 2030 to 2130 this Saturday. Go grab it!
yes FULL SUPPORT!! Finally its Malaysia turn to do it....after 2 yrs....hope this is not a one time activity, hope there will be more ^^
yeap!! i'm gona go back to my mum's place late so i can stay home n switch off the lights at my place..n switch it back on after 930 la..cos..u know lor..msia..sigh
thank goodness no epl this saturday!
tiap malam tutup lampu selama 7 jam..
I'll be on a flight to Bangkok. I hope they don't shut down the airport! Lol...
I fully support this Zewt! Total darkness for the hour. :)
Not to be skeptical or anything but if those running the power supply chain are not informed to reduce the output for that hour, whatever earth hour everyone is going will just be another gimmick.
Electicity once generated if not used will be wasted and since it's generated, the damage to the environment had already been done.
Whether you switch off or not, I doubt there will be any direct impact on the environment. It's the awareness that counts I reckon and hopefully the awareness don't last for that one hour.
So what about fans and air-cons? :P
I've never heard of Earth hour in Malaysia until this year. About time. I'll definitely go all out for this challenge. Though it remains a question, how many of us would actually do it? It'll be amazing if all of us Malaysians could do it together, as a nation.
I totally support this! I hope everyone will switch off their lights so we can be in complete darkness! : )
yes! go! go! go! :)
Earth Hour is a mere publicity stunt
I READ with amazement and irony the efforts of WWF Malaysia to latch on to the Earth Hour event and all the celebrities, media and corporations that have come up in support.
It is amazing that people are so easily taken in by a mere publicity stunt that fails at the very essence. Turning off our lights for one hour on one designated day of the year to save our planet surely is a PR event at best.
It shames the thousands of devoted people, government bodies, scientists and environmentalists that have for years been working on finding real solutions to address this global concern. Malaysians should see past this gimmick by international NGOs and start changing their lifestyles. Surely we can be more proactive and not be fed by an agenda of international bodies.
Why don’t we implement power conservation programmes, ride public transport on certain days in a month, car pool, etc?
It is also ironic that the organiser, WWF Malaysia, up until very recently, did not even have a climate change programme to begin with when all others (even local groups and individuals) have been persistent in their pleas for Malaysians to take action.
Remember, our leaders signed the Kyoto Protocol and there has been concerted movement towards reaching solutions. Please let us all be enlightened and move away from celebrations and gimmicks.
Petaling Jaya.
liucas and me - all out for earth hour!!!!!
when my mum heard about this she said "then we must go and charge all the batteries" hahahahaha!!!
"We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles." - Thomas Alva Edison
I remembered reading as a kid that one of his dying wishes is to have all electricity powered down for a moment.. that wish was not granted.
A conservationist wrote to the Star a few days back and said this is a whole lot of bollocks. Oh yeah.. you saw the writing above in the anonymous comment.
I wouldn't say it's bullshit becoz I think if the whole world turn off their lights for one hour, it would make a very big impact.
Try to live with an environment awareness as much as we can. I seldom ta pao food as I eat at home. When I started working 10 years ago, I brought my own container to reduce polystyrene usage. I never use hair spray. I don't sleep in air conditioned room (except on holidays). Now, I try to remember to bring my own shopping bag to reduce plastic usage.
I guess being in Interact Club back then taught me the importance of treating mother Earth with utmost respect.
well bullshit or not, it's worth a try. no harm done anyway, i'm all out for it still despite rumours =)
i think it's worth a shot!
Please do not be blinded by the sheer publicity stunt.
3POINT8 - hahaha.. sabotaged them?
sinergy.starfall - Aiya... defeat the purpose already.
littlepolaris - dont turn on the aircond!
fi-sha - no difference, but it's a good start.
jam - interesting...
EliteVillain - hopefully, it will be over glamourised.
huei - scared of theif right? haha
xabi - hahahaha... damn right!
j or ji - betul ke?
-eiling- - worse... the plane! haha...
iamthewitch - kudos!
ven - true... and i agree. but it's all about the spirit. i am hoping it willset the spark going!
kyh - if can, turn those off lor. did u?
Jacy - i think a lot of ppl did it. but whether they did it for glamour or for the true spirit... that's the core point.
Hope - great!
foongpc - yup... it's all about awareness.
Lim Sze Wei - yes yes!
Anon @ Marcus - i know, and i saw your post in CB. but it's all about awareness and setting the spark going. it may not achieve anything, but at least, it created a helluva awareness.
Winn - liucas also ah!
rachel - hahahaha... that's BAD!
-=Sin=- - it will never happen. not possible anyway.
gina - yup... i saw that. dunno how he even landed in AZAIG! hahaha... well, like what i told him, it's all about awareness.
Cedric Ang - :)... well, it's over...
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